I didn’t intend to make a Bioshock / Fallout 3 character mash-up.

Self Portrait - Fly Daddy

Self Portrait - Fly Daddy

The Self Portrait – Fly Daddy. Over the course of months, objects in my studio get assembled in interesting ways –  like legos, but with junk.  Bits and pieces are added, then taken away, then added again, until the assemblage of found objects and recycled scrap transforms into “something.”  At first, it may be unclear what the new thing is  –but as I continue to work, listening to the materials and their stories, they usually suggests a figurative character, some kind of weird living being with a personal narrative and rich history.


Fly Daddy Side View

This new piece seems to ask the question: What do you get when you cross a Big Daddy from Bioshock with a Bloatfly from Fallout 3?


Fly Daddy Rear View

The answer is some kind of armored flying Cyclops apparently.


Fly Daddy Detail

Some of the materials used include a video loop played on an embedded mini DVD player and LCD monitor, a coffee bean dispenser, a paper lantern, a brass drain cover, several magnifying lenses, brass wallet chain, scrap textiles, brass and copper hardware.

Enjoy this short video of some recent artworks. They are kinetic sculptures made with found objects, obsolete TV’s, toys and trash. Sometimes referred to as Cyberpunk or Steampunk, these transhuman sculptures reflect a dystopian mashup of humanity’s past and future. Influences include City of Lost Children, Fallout 3, Bioshock, Diamond Age, The Difference Engine and Leonardo da Vinci.

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